Rabbinic Thought in the Talmud For Sale

Jacobs, Louis
Provides four detailed understandings of the nature and scope of the Babylonian Talmud, outlining the state-of-the-art studies of the subject as well as some problems still awaiting solution, such as who were the actual editors of the Bavli and how they went about their work. This is followed by seven comprehensive examinations of the Talmudic method as seen from the complete unit of the Talmud, the Sugya. The concluding section of the books deals with Rabbinics, the works of post-Talmudic scholars who sought to bring the Talmudic discussions to life in the Jewish community.
216 pages
Copyright: 5 1 2005
Additional Information
Binding | Cloth – 9780853035640, Paper – 9780853035688 |